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UCSI INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE 2013 JAN INTAKE DEGREE STUDENT- - - - - - - - - - - An ordinary girl, wish to have simple but meaningful life~

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Minor class is a place for us to explore about many things!
The first assignment we get is to understand the structure of a furniture.
We have to search for a furniture that is already been built and suites our Design 3 style.
Then study the structure of it and who is the designer.


This is my model

The chair seating, I use 2 normal felt with a aluminium sheet in between to create the shape.
I glued the felt on the aluminium sheet and then sewed the corner for the hand rest part.

I have met some problem while I am doing this model.
The material of the chair's leg is steel.
I have to bend a quite thick steel wire to build the structure.
It needs a lot of strength.
Another problem is "how to connect the wire?"
I cant weld it because it is too thick for welding.
At last I use soldering!
What a relief~
I finally solved the problem!

Sometimes, difficulty might block our way.
But there is always a way to solve it.
We just have to FIND the solution

1 comment:

  1. What a cute chair. I think that health is also a major concern for a buyer, maybe you guys can add some features to the chair like it can remedial certain back problems. So the chair can be more function-able.
