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UCSI INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE 2013 JAN INTAKE DEGREE STUDENT- - - - - - - - - - - An ordinary girl, wish to have simple but meaningful life~

Sunday, September 28, 2014


11-09-2014        1800

Prepared for almost 2 months
Now,is the time to

Paris- London experiencing culture trip
Finally arrived!

Bringing a big big luggage
Prepare to fill it with passion of euro
And bring them back!

Kitty, are you ready?

Here we go!
Passport? Checked!

Luggage? Checked!
Groupfie? How can we miss it! CHECKED!!

On board!!

We are taking Emirates plane.
On plane, it is so comfortable.
There is blanket and earphone provided.
Entertainment is the best thing for a 6 to 7 hours flight!!
Once everyone sit down, all started to choose movie or listen to songs~
Last but not least,
The food served is so delicious.
We had dinner in the plane. I have chosen sea perch.
It is served with an appetizers and a desert.
Before we land on Dubai, there is a light bite for us!
Wholemeal roll and chocolate cake!
Wow! satisfaction!

We transit in Dubai.
While the 4 hours waiting time,
I walked around in the airport.
Found a green landscape in the airport!
It is so peaceful and comfortable.
After a long walk, I rest on the lying chair provided along the corridor.
Before departing from Dubai to Paris, 
I bought myself a postcard as souvenir.

During the 6 hours journey from Dubai to Paris,
We enjoyed breakfast on the plane.
Cheese omelette, served with fruits and croissant.
Yum yum~  

Oh Yeah! We landed on Paris around 9am, 12-09-2014.
Seriously!! Am I in Paris?
Come one! Who can tell me that I am not dreaming?
Queuing to hop onto a bus.
Bringing our luggage, we are going somewhere,
Not to our hostel yet,but a place
which can prove, we are in Paris. 

The first thing to do when you arrived a place you haven't been to
Browsing through the map of Paris in the bus.
After the bus stop at a station, we walk to the metro station, Charles de Gaulle Etoile.
From there we take metro train to Bri-Hakeim, and walk to our destination.

Look over there!
and ya, it has proven that, WE ARE IN Paris!

Eifel tower has been a gorgeous architecture structure which fame all around the world.
The complicated and strong structure of steel is awesome!
Look at the arch and the leg of the tower.
They are so beautiful.

We have got the opportunity to ride the lift to second level of the tower.
The crowds queuing for it is really insane !

Why everyone is insane and just queue for this?
That's the view from the tower!
You can almost see the whole Paris!
The view up there is so beautiful.
You can spend 2.50 euro to view the city through the observation telescope.
After enjoying the view, we wanted to take the lift back to ground.
But the crowds lining up for it is really a lot.
So, my friends and I choose to climb the stairs.
That experience is crazy.
You can feel the height by looking through those wiring fence.
While climbing down, I saw the mechanism used for the transportation - lift.
Well, when I reached the ground, I can feel my leg is shaking.
It's actually a little scary, but awesome =)

There are so many people come and visit this tower.
Pigeon here looks clean and fat.
They are not afraid of people, like we are their friends.

After proving that we are in Paris
It's time for us to go and take a break.
Before going to our hostel, we have our lunch.
Walking along the street in Paris, I saw that there is big park
Where people and gather and relax.
The building there is all on one colour, mostly more than one level.
And with steel ornament fencing.

 First meal in Paris.
We feel a little lost while searching for a restaurant.
At last, we enter a restaurant, Le Trente Huit.
During ordering food, the people who served us ask us do we need any drinks.
She mentioned 2 type of water but we cant hear it clearly.
We end up ordering the Sparkling water.
When the drink is served, all of us confuse 
Does that drink contain alcohol? Because the bottle of the water looks like wine.
After we tried, it is actually water with gas.
And we recall back just now when the lady served us,
she is trying to ask
"would you like mineral water or sparkling water?"
We should have ask for mineral water.
We are not used to the tasteless water with gas.

After the meal, we go back to Bri-Hakeim metro station
And take train to Place d'Italie,  from there we change line to reach Leo Lagrange Villejuif.
Which is the location of our hostel.
Finally we can settle down our luggage.

Anyhow, today's journey is quite fun.
But we have met some bad incident.
When we are rushing to Eifel tower for the ride of lift,
we met a group of people who try to use some trick to steal things in our bag.
They will ask you to fill some form, and a person will open your bag from behind.
Besides that, we also met a swindler who tricks tourist money 
at the self service ticket machine of metro station.
They will act to be kind, help you buy train ticket.
After that they will grab your change and will not return to you.

Before going to Paris, I have heard that there are many pick pockets there.
Didn't expect that we met it at the first day we reach PARIS.
So, we do need to be more careful with our belongings while travelling in Paris.
And don't simply accept people's kindness. 

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