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UCSI INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE 2013 JAN INTAKE DEGREE STUDENT- - - - - - - - - - - An ordinary girl, wish to have simple but meaningful life~

Sunday, September 28, 2014



Good Morning Paris!
A little windy with some warm from the sunshine
What a nice day for walking around in city

A very free and easy breakfast - Ham cheese sandwich
Bought from Casino located next to our hostel,
"Aren't that ridiculous? You seriously bought a sandwich from casino??"
I am not kidding, the market name is "Casino"
Gotcha!! haha...
My friends and I make this joke almost everyday when we are in Paris.

Where are we going today?
Musee du Lourve
We are taking train to Palais Royal.

Since we have came to such a beautiful city, we didn't directly stop at Palais Royal station.
We stop by at Sully Morland station and have some walk to our destination.
Luckily we take this walk, as we get the chance to 
view many beautiful scene and feel the morning breeze~
I like the way they grow flowers in front of their window.
It brings the feel of harmony between human and environment.

Doors in Paris city is slightly bigger than the normal door. 
The buildings are decorated with many ornaments.
Many arches can be found.
In Paris, there are Taxis, which provide natural ventilation.
Some of the driver even decorate their taxi to attract customer.

Notre Dame
A gothic style cathedral.
How to identify it is a gothis architectural?
The main three element is rose windows, gargoyles and flying buttresses.
The arches is pointy, not as curve as the roman arches.

I noticed this window design on the roof.
I am so into this kind of balcony and a little space under the roof~
The second pictures, shows a building under renovation.
Not to let the visitors to miss out the building,
they create a facade wallpaper.
People will still know what the building looks like.
Last photo, is the famous key lock bridge in Paris.
Couples come here and lock a key pad lock together at the fence and throw the key into the river.
It's a sign of having a forever love.

The entrance of  Musee du Lourve is in Greek architectural style.
From the left top picture, we can see the pediment and the composite column.
In the tunnel of entrance, there is Tuscan column.
The building is full with detail ornaments and arch windows.
The column on the facade is just as decoration, they do not carry weight.

There is a pyramid glass structure in the center of the square.
It is design by I.M Pei.
It is the entrance to the museum.
The right top picture shows the welcoming area of the museum.
The glass structure makes the welcoming area bright.
Looking up to through the glass, you feel that the sky is near to you.
But it is slightly hot because the glass trapped the heat of sun.

 Inside the museum, the ceiling is all arches.
It remains the historical building's texture.
The museum exhibits sculptures and many ancient civilization's antiquities.
Due to time limitation, I manage to browse through
neolithic civilization, sculptures of ancient Greek, Islamic antiquities.
Lastly, we went to the Painting gallery.
The gallery's ceiling has skylight with transparent glass.
This avoided glare when visitors are viewing the art pieces.
The famous Mona Lisa painting is there.
And this is my first time to feel big pieces of painting in such a big space.

There are some little carving on the wall of the museum.
I like the delicate handwork of it.

Come on, the ancient people already know how to selfie?
We are just too outdated.
Gags! xD

At another entrance of the Museum, which connected with a mall,
there is an inverted glass pyramid. 
The pyramid marks the intersection of 
two main walkways and orients visitors towards the museum entrance.

 It was meant as an object but it is an object to transmit light.

This museum is really HUGE! You gonna spend the whole day only you can go through each area.

When we exit the museum, it's time for lunch!
we have our lunch at the food court in the mall which connected to the museum,
as we need to continue our journey to Pompidou. 

Stepping out from the underground museum,
finally we saw some sunshine!
The road sign in Paris caught my attention.
It can clearly guide you to many places at once!
If I were a kid and can reach the road sign,
I would like to spin them all!
then everyone will get a wrong guide? LOL !!

While walking to Pompidou, I found out there is a row of bicycle along the road.
With a paying machine beside the road.
People can rent it and travel around the city.
It's so great!
It reduce the traffic and protect the earth.
It is paid by hours.

Passing by some groceries.
The plants and fruits grew in country with four season,
is different with my country with tropical weather.
The plants are in bright colours.
The tomato is so big and looks delicious.

There is a construction site near Pompidou.
The project is to renovate the Chatelet Les Halles metro station,
and connect the station to a cathedral with a long park.
 The box container stacking up is the office and the staff's temporary dwelling for the construction.
It looks so tidy and comfortable for the workers on site.

Finally! We reached our destination
Centre Georges Pompidou
It is so beautiful!
The concept of the building is " EXPOSE"
All the services are exposed.
And the main material used are steels and glass.

The services on the ceiling is all exposed.
The elevators' are also not box up.
The staircase is not supported by column but by using steel wire to hang it.
So, there we go, ticket to enter the exhibition.
It cost 10 euro.

Going up!
Up we go to the exhibition area
through the cylinder escalator.

The art piece in it is totally a contrast with what we see in Musee du Lourve.
The art pieces here is modern art.
I have had a great time in it.
Guessing what the artist is trying to express.
I even use my own way to read the art work.
It is wonderful.

Sky is getting darker.
Time flies when I spend my time in the Pompidou.
There is a level which is a resource area.
It is restricted for members only i think.
There is also a sky restaurant.
It is a very high class restaurant served by waiter in suit.

 We hang around in the Museum until it close.
They close at 9pm.

Walking to the Pyramides metro station, we are prepared to go back to hostel.
In the journey of this train, I met a cute little kids.
He is sitting in a baby stroller, pushed by his dad.
When I have eye contact with him, he smile shyly.
At first I thought I am too tired, maybe he is not smiling to me.
But after a few times I have eye contact with him, his smile become more obvious.
Hahaha, he is so cute because after a few times, he hide his face under his teddy bear.
He still peep me.
Then I started to play with him.

It has been a tiring day and I actually can't feel the sense of welcoming by the citizens is Paris.
While, this little kids made my day.
His smile makes me feel warm and welcomed.
I waved goodbye to him when he left.

 There is a big food vending machine at the opposite of our hostel.
It's cool! Ans I tried it myself.

Well, I end my day with a wonderful lamb kebab sandwich meal.
It taste good.

Have a great meal with some of my friends and lecturers =)
Keep calm and just enjoy!
Tomorrow is another excited day!

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