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UCSI INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE 2013 JAN INTAKE DEGREE STUDENT- - - - - - - - - - - An ordinary girl, wish to have simple but meaningful life~

Monday, November 4, 2013


After doing the Presentation Drawing, we are going to do a model base on the same floor plan

Model making have two type.
One type is study model which is not that detail, it is use for studying the space.
Another type is with all the detail, especially the furniture in the space, need to be shown.

The model I built for this assignment is not a study model.
It is a model which I have to show all the details especially the furniture.
I have to build out all the furniture in the artist studio model.
I have learnt some ways to cut modelling board in this assignment from my lecturer.

The model should look neat and nice.
So I have to take care my workmanship during doing it.
It takes me around 2 days to complete it.

After building the model, I have to learn photographing.
I learn how to adjust the setting of DSLR camera.
My classmates and I have to go my school's science lab to take photos.
We have to take 1 elevation, 1 plan, 1 perspective and 2 detail.

After taking photos, we have to proceed to Presentation board design.


So this is my design.
I am using black and white, to create formal style.
But seems like I didn't really success.

My lecturer comment that
I should try with more colours, rather than just black and white.
Maybe some colour graphic for background.
And my graphic shape is not that tidy.
The 2 photos below are lack of camera focus.
I got a B for it.

Well, I have to practise more on how to design my presentation boards.

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