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UCSI INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE 2013 JAN INTAKE DEGREE STUDENT- - - - - - - - - - - An ordinary girl, wish to have simple but meaningful life~

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Another bring home exercise~


This assignment is to draw a Reflected Ceiling Plan.
This plan illustrates ceiling design, ceiling height, lighting arrangement and all mechanical and electrical services arrangement.

The requirement is to draw the plan on tracing paper with felt tip pen.

Same as the previous plan,
 I have to use different pen to show different thickness.
Such as 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 felt tip pen.

The problem I met when I am doing this assignment is
I feel difficult to control the ink of pen.
There is many tiny light fitting symbols.
To make sure the overall drawing looks tidy,
 I have to be very careful while drawing them.
Have to prevent too much of ink coming out from the pen.

I manage to control the ink of pen
The marks I get is 10/10

Good job!

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