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UCSI INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE 2013 JAN INTAKE DEGREE STUDENT- - - - - - - - - - - An ordinary girl, wish to have simple but meaningful life~

Friday, November 1, 2013


After Exploded Drawing, I am going to learn Two Point Perspective Drawing with Measuring Point Method (MP METHOD)


There are few steps to follow for producing a 2 point perspective drawing
1. Determine the Ground Line.
2. Determine the Horizontal Line (eye level).
3. Determine the 2 Vanishing points (VP).
4. Determine the angle of the view by indicating a point A.
5. Determine the width and length from the Point A on Ground Line. Create grid with scale ruler.
6. Project lines from the 2 VP to Point A on Ground Line.
7. Determine the 2 Single Vanishing Points (SVP). Project lines from the point to the grid created on Ground Line.
8. Create a base grid by projecting lines from Vanishing Point to the intersection point between SVP projected line to Ground Line and the projected line from 2 VP to Point A.
 9. Determine the height of space from Point A. Draw the box of the space.

After drawing out the base grid lines and the box,
 I can use the grid line which is in scale to draw my interior furniture and so on.

My lecturer give us advice to use different colour for the projecting lines from different point.
 It will be easier for us to differentiate them.

I found it interesting when I am doing this assignment.
Just with some easy steps,
a two point space is created.
I have done a great job for the draft.

After completing the draft, I have to print it in a larger scale and trace it on tracing paper.

On the tracing paper, I have to add more details for example the furniture texture, lighting and so on.
I have to make the space looks interesting.
But seems like I have failed to do so.
I like my wall texture actually. I used a lot of time for it.
I didn't add texture for my sofa because it looks nicer in this plain texture rather than with a texture.

But work's line quality is bad.
I did it in a hurry.
So I have a lot of mistakes.
I got 6/10.

It's ok. I can do better next time.
yeah~ ^^
Keep moving forward!!

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