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UCSI INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE 2013 JAN INTAKE DEGREE STUDENT- - - - - - - - - - - An ordinary girl, wish to have simple but meaningful life~

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


After Ground Floor Plan,
I have to complete Mezzanine Floor Plan at home.


Same as Ground Floor Plan,
I have to draw a title block first
And then a plan with different line quality to show different element.

After drawing the ground floor plan,
I have more confident while drawing Mezzanine Floor Plan.

This time I didn't make the same mistake in last assignment
Included the symbol for labelling
And the section cut line is continuous.

Comment from my lecturer is
1. The quality of work is good
But still lacking of line thickness understanding.
2. The drawing looks flat and has no difference between lines.

I am still afraid while choosing darkness of pencil.
Too careful.
That's why the  difference of line thickness are not obvious.
My construction lines and grid lines look similar too.
The grid lines should be darker than the construction lines.

The marks given is 8/10
I should be more confident while doing my work.
Same for the other courses in my interior architecture studies.

Nothing to be afraid,
We learn from mistake!

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